I, Jimmy Kwas, do not carry upon me any photograph of the board game, Age of Technologies™, in action, and so thus I will not include any photograph, BUT if I may add, the evaluation section CLEARLY does not state any photo requirements, so I argue against any grade penalties you may inflict upon me, me being Jimmy Kwas. Thank you.

Board Game Review

My game with Azmere and Xavier turned out a huge success, grasping the attention of the teacher himself! The board game consists of a die, monopoly money, question cards, a board, instructions, and phones with their perks printed on paper. These items come together to make the board game called Age of Technology, which is, among all the other board games, unique, as in it doesn’t follow very conventional boardgame rules as some people noticed. I am very happy to see how successful it was in grabbing people’s attention and how good of a quality it was considering the small amount of time we had to assemble such a feat of engineering genius. The ingenuity involved towered any past expectations, leaving myself very happy over Winter Break. Even more, the playability of this game racked up my excitement for future projects and boosted my confidence tenfold. It supports a variety of people and among slight alterations in rules and other modifications such as the addition of questions, it would be perfectly playable along with a great fun factor involved in it. I believe our term of “Randy™” for the phone dealer and banker sparked many people’s curiosity from the beginning, which is just what we wanted. Every idea we had added to playability and fun...

The movie Sicko was very enlightening to me by showing all the different health management systems across the world. Even if I know the movie is going to the extreme cases to show the ups and downs of each health system I still found it quite interesting to watch how much worse the American health system is than I thought, leaving people bankrupt only because of their greedy ideas. Families can’t live in peace for that reason. I really don’t like their system at all but it will be very hard to change because of how large the country is. Obama is showing a great example of their American persistence and mild ignorance. 

On the other hand, the French system was great to start with. They have universal health care that benefits the whole population, along with a 24/7 S.O.S. doctor service which doesn’t cost a cent. The government is afraid of the public, other than the other way around like the Americans are, so the french protest weekly for better qualities in their day to day life. This leads to many great things that benefit the people but don’t put the government under too too much financial pressure. Their health care and education system is a great example, for both of them are free.

American systems are the opposite, you need to pay for both and at an extremely high price. And to make it worse, the system is very corrupt, with many briberies, blackmails, and other far worse things up their sleeves. For example, most insurance companies won’t give you health insurance if you have a pre existing health disorder such as diabetes or any similar things. They would brave a hurricane just to make a little bit of money and they hire investigators meant to pick out every detail of your life in order to show that you may have lied to them so they have a right not to provide coverage. This was documented in the movie and that really surprised me, how far they would go for some things.

To sum it up as generally as possible, the Americans have a lacking health care system and could definitely improve upon it while the rest of the world (France, Canada, Britain in particular) have more functional and logical systems.

Quelle est la différence entre la système médicale américaine et la système médicale français?

La différence est que la système médicale Américaine n’est pas gratuit. La système médicale français est gratuit et c’est très bon pour tout le monde. J'espère les États-Unis reçoivent une système médicale universelle bientôt.

       Le Compte de Monte Cristo est un film d'action, un drame, et un film d'aventure. Il y avait beaucoup de mystère dans le film que captures mon attention. Le film était au sujet de vengeance. La cinéaste est Kevin Reynold et la première rôle était Jim Caviezel qui était Edmond Dantes. Le film était doublé avec des sous-titres en Anglais si c'est difficile écouter. Autre que cette, le film était magnifique pour moi! Quelque scènes étaient ennuyeux, mais pas de problème. J'ai adoré les acteurs est leur rôles. J'ai oublié beaucoup de film parce que le filme est plus longue pour mon mémoire, mais je sais que mon second rôle préféré est Jacopo et Dantes parce que ils sont hommes excitant. Je trouves le film être 10 sur 10 pour raisons apparent. J'ai bien aimé Le Comte de Monte Cristo. Il étais interprété, dirigé, et tourné très bon.

Pour le film complet en français pas avec sous-titres en Anglais.

Not unlike many movies based off of books, the movie version of The Count of Monte Cristo cut many or altered majorly many of the numerous characters the book had. The plot of both versions are mostly the same but they differ more when Edmond Dantes escapes Le Châteaux d'If and plans his revenge.


Jack Black?